BENE GmbH T-Meeting

An ensemble of different meeting tables that is suitable for use in all zones and areas of the office where communication takes place – above all in meeting and conference areas. In different sizes and heights, with different tabletop and frame designs, in a variety of colours and materials. Ranging from small meeting tables to upright tables and multi-part conference tables with integrated media technology. The design of T-Meeting is striking, minimalist and high-grade. It can be used in all communication zones and areas: at the workplace, as a meeting and conference table, in lounge areas, recreational and central areas, or in the cafeteria.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Thomas Riegler
Kontakt E-Mail
Kontakt Telefon +43 7442 500 3000
Hersteller Website
Level Zertifikat
Zertifikat Download
Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 06.03.2023 — 05.03.2026

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