VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken GmbH & Co. KG RondoLift-KF

Frame comprising a round central leg/post and a four- or five-foot star-shaped base made from rectangular section, all powder-coated. Leg/post with integrated gas-filled strut and hand switch on the table-top edge. The hand switch is fitted with a safety cover to protect against unintentional deployment of the gas-filled strut. Star-shaped base with lockable castors or with glide elements. Table height infinitely variable. Table top of melamine-resin laminated or veneered LIGNOpal chipboard with glued-on (KU) plastic or (BU) beech edges. Features. Oval table can be supplied with an optional lockable drawer under the top. Table top shapes are oval, circular and square.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Thomas Braun
Kontakt E-Mail vs@vs-moebel.de
Kontakt Telefon +49 9341-88-0
Hersteller Website www.vs.de
Produktseite www.vs.de/kataloge/gesamtkatalog…
Level Zertifikat
Zertifikat Download
Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 30.03.2023 — 29.03.2026

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