REISS Büromöbel GmbH REISS Novo

The single column table programme REISS Novo provides the perfect companion for every workplace offering additional workspace or a stand-sit option to change the working position. REISS Novo also cuts a fine figure in spontaneous meetings or in the recreation area of the office. It is available with round or square column profile and tabletops in fixed table height or as stand-sit option with lift quick adjustment and offer various base options, including a mobile version on castors.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Stefanie Lorenz
Kontakt E-Mail
Kontakt Telefon +49 35341 48440
Hersteller Website
Level Zertifikat
Zertifikat Download
Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 18.12.2023 — 17.12.2026

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