Versatile anchor point. The PORTS Table represents an evolution in individual desks: the height adjustment discreetly incorporated into the four-legged frame allows you to shift seamlessly between a traditional seated position to an upright meeting stance, with the table as the centrepiece of communication, engagement and dialogue. PORTS Tables are categorised as work or meeting tables, and are both available in two fixed heights or electrically height adjustable. There is a choice of a square or rectangular tabletop for the PORTS Table. The tabletop with a traditional edge is available in thicknesses of 12 mm, 13 mm or 19 mm, while the comfort edge version is 25 mm thick. The rounded comfort edge offers unparalleled comfort and is barely noticeable when leant against. The comfort edge tabletop is available in veneer and the 12 mm tabletop comes in FENIX NTM, while all others feature a lacquered surface. The PORTS Table’s four-legged frame is available at a fixed height or with electric height adjustment, in either black or clay.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Thomas Riegler
Kontakt E-Mail
Kontakt Telefon +43 7442 500 3000
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Level Zertifikat
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 06.03.2023 — 05.03.2026

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