König + Neurath AG  Paneel mit Stoffhülle

Our table panels with frameless optics follow a high architectural standard and fit harmoniously into any furnishing concept. The systems can be used as on-table panels or as panels for mounting behind tables. The construction allows for a high degree of stability as well as maximum mounting flexibility via integrated transoms. it improves the acoustics directly at the workplace and creates privacy. The infill material combined with a support panel ensures high acoustic efficiency. A wide variety of fabric covers are available in various fabric groups and colours.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Johannes Brennig
Kontakt E-Mail info@koenig-neurath.de
Kontakt Telefon +49 6039 4830
Hersteller Website www.koenig-neurath.com
Produktseite www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von SCS Global Services
gültig 01.03.2023 — 31.07.2024

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