Ottima Portico Desk and Bench brings the workstation back to basics, offering a simple and sleek solution that is both best-in-class and optimized in price. The range´s straightforward statement of line and clean design details make it the perfect addition to any home office or workplace. With the industry’s leading warranty, customers have peace of mind that Ottima Portico delivers on quality and performance over time. The square leg on Ottima Portico offers a classic design aesthetic that pairs well with other residential or commercial furniture. A range of accent colors allow you to customize and match the desk or bench to any space. Ottima Portico is easy to assemble and rearrange, making it a smart choice for individuals and organizations alike as needs change over time. The program allows privacy with specific screens designed for the bench or a modesty panel in PET or steel finishes on the desk. A specific C-clamp connects with other screens from the Steelcase portfolio to the desk for an easy privacy addition

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Jesús Batres Sicilia
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Kontakt Telefon +34 91 475 90 00
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Level 1 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TECNALIA CERTIFICACION, S.L.
gültig 05.07.2019 — 05.07.2025

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