In order to be able to follow a clear design language in office furnishing, LEVEL PURE MEETING, matching the work tables of the LEVEL LIFT family, is available in a fixed height or adjustable via ratchet. The LEVEL PURE MEETING tables are stable, durable and designed for daily use. And if there are more participants in the meeting - no problem at all: this conference table can seat a lot of people. To enable smart cable management, the meeting table can be optionally equipped with a cable box, plug box and a swiveling cable tray.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Thomas Riegler
Kontakt E-Mail
Kontakt Telefon +43 7442 500 3000
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Level Zertifikat
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 06.03.2023 — 05.03.2026

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