hali GmbH height adjustable office table

The electrical height-adjustable tables adapt to your desired working posture. The tabletop is made of melamine-coated chipboard (thickness 25 mm) or compact board (thickness 13 mm). The table frame is T-shaped with rectangular lifting columns (60x90 mm, or 70x70 mm). The foot extensions are made of steel. The table frame has a cross-piece under the tabletop or a welded steel plate frame to increase stability. The table is equipped also with safety sensors. Power consumption in standby mode is ≤0.3W. The following models of height adjustable table are available: s136, s171, s176, s471, s476, s570.

Produkttyp Tische
Ansprechpartner Giada Papi
Kontakt E-Mail headoffice@hali.at
Kontakt Telefon +43 7272 3731
Hersteller Website
Produktseite www.hali.at/produktwelten/uebers…
Level Zertifikat
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 27.03.2023 — 26.03.2026

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