König + Neurath AG  ACTA.PLUS

DESIGN AND FUNCTION IN PERFECT ORDER. The versatile ACTA.PLUS storage range offers customised configuration possibilities. The design is of a high standard with the supplementary casing, as well as a variety of finishes. Different types of cupboard – open, shelf unit or closed-front with tambour, hinged door, sliding door or filing drawers – provide perfectly-organised storage. The design is sleek and the shadow gap lends a delicate appearance. ACTA.PLUS has cladding on the back so that it can also be used as an elegant room divider to bring structure into a room. The fronts are also designed to be acoustically effective, another important contribution towards a good working atmosphere

Produkttyp Stauraummöbel
Ansprechpartner Johannes Brennig
Kontakt E-Mail info@koenig-neurath.de
Kontakt Telefon +49 6039 4830
Hersteller Website www.koenig-neurath.com
Produktseite www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
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gültig 01.08.2021 — 31.07.2024

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