Nowy Styl Deutschland GmbH Xenium Counter Swivel Chair UPH/PLASTIC

Office swivel chairs "Xenium Counter Swivel Chair UPH/PLASTIC". General description: Attractive design coupled with impressive flexibility is the defining feature of the Xenium family of chairs. The chairs adapt optimally to the user's body shape and guarantee ergonomic comfort in every position. The Xenium chair series has been designed to meet the highest demands in terms of function and design. Xenium offers a wide range of adjustment as well as many additional functions to guarantee long-lasting and exceptional user comfort. The intuitive and simple adjustment option guarantees added ergonomic value. Technical description: Mechanism: Synchronous mechanism with various functions: seat depth adjustment, optional negative seat tilt adjustment, individual weight adjustment, optional automatic weight adjustment - backrest lockable with automatic safety feature to prevent unintentional release, seat height continuously adjustable. Lower back bracket: powder-coated aluminium or polished aluminium. Optional lumbar support, depth adjustable: adjustment with hand wheel, pneumatic adjustment with +/- buttons, pneumatic adjustment with pump. Back rest, height adjustable: • UPH/PLASTIC: Plastic insert with moulded foam; front fabric-covered, back with scratch-resistant plastic cover. Seat: plastic insert with moulded foam, fabric-covered. Optional armrests - different variants: • 4-D armrests: height adjustable, width adjustable, armrest swivelling and depth adjustable, various materials, adjustment ranges and colours selectable. • 2-D armrests: Height adjustment, width adjustment, various materials and colours available. Five arm swivel chair base: Additional footrest ring, chrome-plated with raised gas lift. Casters /glides: casters for hard flooring, load-dependent braking - or plastic glides for carpets and hard flooring. Main models: Xenium Counter Swivel Chair UPH/PLASTIC, Xenium Counter Swivel UPH/UPH, Xenium Counter Swivel Chair MESH.

Produkttyp Sitzmöbel
Ansprechpartner Thomas Windeler
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Kontakt Telefon +49 05769 7-0
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 26.05.2021 — 25.05.2024

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