Klöber GmbH Orbit Network

The Orbit Network meeting chair ensures that conferences are worry-free, even when things go off-script. The Softnet backrest mesh is elastic and moulds optimally to the body shape. As a result, this conference swivel chair offers flexible sitting characterised by comfort, transparency and a sense of lightness. The Orbit features an auto-return backrest for a tidy table after the meeting, and comes in a spectrum of colours to match practically any conference room. There’s a choice of four colours for the Softnet, and the seat upholstery comes in a wide variety of materials and colours.

Produkttyp Sitzmöbel
Ansprechpartner Klöber GmbH
Kontakt E-Mail info@kloeber.com
Kontakt Telefon +49 (0) 75 51 - 838-0
Hersteller Website www.kloeber.com
Produktseite www.kloeber.com/products/orbit-n…
Level Zertifikat
Zertifikat Download
Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 14.03.2024 — 13.03.2027

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