Klöber GmbH Connex2

The state-of-the-art automated office chair. Ideal for changing users, it adapts intuitively to any workstation scenario thanks to its design and function. The selection of backrests available for the Connex2 is astonishing: they range from plastic backrests with a cushion to backrests with 3D fabric mesh, as well as fully upholstered backrests. The three-dimensional seat movement encourages dynamic lateral left-right movement and supports the natural movement impulse. Its functions respond automatically to the body’s needs to ensure an ideal sitting position with minimum fuss. The manufacturing process and materials of Connex2 meet particularly high standards in terms of environmental friendliness. That’s why the chair has been awarded the „Blauer Engel“ eco label.

Produkttyp Sitzmöbel
Ansprechpartner Klöber GmbH
Kontakt E-Mail info@kloeber.com
Kontakt Telefon +49 (0) 75 51 - 838-0
Hersteller Website www.kloeber.com
Produktseite www.kloeber.com/products/connex2…
Level Zertifikat
Zertifikat Download
Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 14.03.2024 — 13.03.2027

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