BENE GmbH W4 Wall-to-Wall

Bene's W4 Wall-to-Wall is a wall cladding element used to convert existing dry walls or brick walls into office walls. In combination with Bene storage products or the specially designed wall shelving and wall cabinets from the AL and P2 executive lines, the wall cladding can be upgraded to include furniture with storage units and flat surfaces. The W4 Wall-to- Wall, as the next iteration of the W3, has continuous wall rails that ensure better load distribution. The W4 is available in a room-high version, with up to a maximum height of 4 metres and can accommodate the same solid panel types as the R-Platform, with the exception of glass panels. In this way, the W4 Wall-to-Wall offers the option of a continuous design throughout the room in combination with the R-Platform wall programme.

Produkttyp Raumgliederungen
Ansprechpartner Thomas Riegler
Kontakt E-Mail
Kontakt Telefon +43 7442 500 3000
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Level Zertifikat
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Level 3 Zertifikat Zertifiziert von TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
gültig 08.03.2023 — 07.03.2026

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