Having your own space to work, concentrate and organise: That’s what everyone dreams of. And don't worry, you don't need a whole room for this. A small, yet functional desk can provide the perfect remedy, especial one with storage space for important documents and tools, as well as, neat solution for managing the dreaded “cable spaghetti”. U-LIFT not only meets all these requirements, but its height can also be adjusted electrically from 68 to 117 cm. This means that it is possible to switch between sitting and standing at any time during your working day whenever required. U-LIFT – because ergonomics and multifunctionality are not a question of size.

type de produit Tables
nom de contact Thomas Riegler
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téléphone de contact +43 7442 500 3000
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télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
valid 2023-03-06 — 2026-03-05

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