König + Neurath AG  SUMMA

HOW TO MAKE SPONTANEOUS MEETINGS WORK! Not much space but plenty of opinions? Then gather your team around SUMMA.K and invite them to exchange ideas! Thanks to the castors, this practical participant at any meeting is always where it's needed and can be quickly stowed away after work is done. But what's the point of functionality if it doesn't look good, too? The characteristic frame makes SUMMA.K a real eye-catcher, whether folding table, conference or meeting table. … And ideas can unfold!

type de produit Tables
nom de contact Johannes Brennig
email de contact info@koenig-neurath.de
téléphone de contact +49 6039 4830
site du fabricant www.koenig-neurath.com
page du produit www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par SCS Global Services
valid 2023-03-01 — 2024-07-31

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