BENE GmbH K2_Storage

Physical space & acoustically effective. Storage elements remain important pieces to create physical space in the office. Yet they are being rediscovered as furniture, giving space acoustically effective character and form. K2 is a sophisticated, modular office pedestal system that creates a calming look, even in combination with different types of cabinets. Visually dominating top panel and continuous upper side panels. K2 offers a clear, minimalist design with high stability. The combination with the KB box and a variety of colours, materials and surfaces upgrade the furniture and offer countless design options.

type de produit Rangement
nom de contact Thomas Riegler
email de contact
téléphone de contact +43 7442 500 3000
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télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
valid 2023-03-07 — 2026-03-06

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