König + Neurath AG  ACTA.PLUS-MOBILE

TO GO. WORK IS MOVEMENT: FACT. Always stay on the move, open to change – this approach is characteristic of the work culture today. Our travelling storage system supports agile working methods and flexible teams: thanks to stable castors and handles the cupboards are easy to transport from one place to another. ACTA.PLUS MOBILE is a practical seating opportunity and mobile storage unit in one.

type de produit Rangement
nom de contact Johannes Brennig
email de contact info@koenig-neurath.de
téléphone de contact +49 6039 4830
site du fabricant www.koenig-neurath.com
page du produit www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par SCS Global Services
valid 2021-08-01 — 2024-07-31

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