König + Neurath AG  ACTA.PLUS Apothekerschränke

EVERYTHING’S CLOSE AT HAND AT YOUR WORKSTATION OR IN A MEETING ACTA.PLUS pull-out sidefillers are the perfect addition to your workplace. The depth and height of the functional storage system are matched to the workplace. Whether as storage space directly at the workplace, privacy screen and spontaneous meeting point, the storage system is convincing not only in its function but also through its diverse furnishing options.

type de produit Rangement
nom de contact Johannes Brennig
email de contact info@koenig-neurath.de
téléphone de contact +49 6039 4830
site du fabricant www.koenig-neurath.com
page du produit www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par SCS Global Services
valid 2021-08-01 — 2024-07-31

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