König + Neurath AG  MOVE.MIX

OUR FEEL-GOOD RANGE Sturdy, comfortable and extremely variable. When you furnish your office with the MOVE.MIX programme, you are creating a feeling of comfort that makes relaxed working possible. This visitor chair perfectly matches the meeting tables and creates a very homely atmosphere with its modern base made of solid oak. With various wooden shells and upholstery variants available, MOVE.MIX can be adapted to fit any furnishing concept. The MOVE.MIX bar stool offers a wide selection of different materials, back heights and backrest upholstery. The minimalist, sleek form of the bar stool is not only impressive in wood, but also with an elegant wire frame in chrome or matt black. The chrome-plated metal rail serves as a footrest for both models.

type de produit Sièges
nom de contact Johannes Brennig
email de contact info@koenig-neurath.de
téléphone de contact +49 6039 4830
site du fabricant www.koenig-neurath.com
page du produit www.koenig-neurath.com/en/produc…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par SCS Global Services
valid 2023-03-01 — 2024-07-31

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