Klöber GmbH LIM

What a chair: Sitting pretty in times of New Work, agile working and the digital revolution? That’s LIM – Less Is More. Reduced to the minimum, this new-generation office swivel chair adapts to current requirements in every detail and is a flexible companion in all modern workplace situations. LIM is minimalist in design, user-friendly in operation, soft thanks to the intelligent membrane technology in the backrest, and flexible in the way it supports natural movement. The Changeables can be replaced to ensure hygiene and a really fresh look. They also add a pop of colour – with colour combinations that allow maximum design variation.

type de produit Sièges
nom de contact Klöber GmbH
email de contact info@kloeber.com
téléphone de contact +49 (0) 75 51 - 838-0
site du fabricant www.kloeber.com
page du produit www.kloeber.com/products/lim/lim…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
valid 2024-03-14 — 2027-03-13

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