VS Vereinigte Spezialmöbelfabriken GmbH & Co. KG JumperPly Move

Frame consisting of an aluminium star-foot and plastic-covered gas spring mechanism. Plus model for raised seated/standing workplaces with castors that are locked in place when under load and a fixable foot ring that is height-adjustable in 3-cm steps. Chair sizes: height-adjustable in accordance with DIN EN 1729. Seat shell made from beech plywood with anti-slip paint. The shell is manufactured with a hidden seat fixing and is available in the sizes XL and L. Equipment and options: with glide elements or castors for hard or soft floorings or with 2C universal glide elements. Optionally available with a particularly ergonomic 3D rocker mechanism.

type de produit Sièges
nom de contact Thomas Braun
email de contact vs@vs-moebel.de
téléphone de contact +49 9341-88-0
site du fabricant www.vs.de
page du produit www.vs.de/kataloge/gesamtkatalog…
télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
valid 2023-03-28 — 2026-03-27

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