ASS-Einrichtungssysteme GmbH Change cantilever chair

The indestructible shell is made of PAGHOLZ®. It is remarkably stable despite its thin cross section and resistant e.g. against scratching or cigarette burns. The slightly springy, robust C-shape frame supports the toning of the muscles, promotes blood circulation to the brain, and thus ensures higher concentration. Details: Molded seat PAGHOLZ®, waisted, long handle slot. Milled edges and waist. Seat shell PAGHOLZ® Nature or Coffee. C-form frame round tube 22/2.5 mm, chairable, epoxy coated according to manufacturer's color collection, cross brace can be retrofitted, stackable without upholstery. Size 6 according to DIN ISO 5970. 3-component floor pad, usable surface plastic.

type de produit Sièges
nom de contact Martin Renner
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télécharger le certificat
Level 3 certificat certifié par TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH
valid 2022-01-03 — 2024-11-14

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